Friday, May 6, 2011

Series (continuation)

Here is Portales de Chascomus #2.
Also painted on sanded paper mounted on foam core, measuring 30 x 40 cm.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Painting a "series" is fun and interesting.
On my last trip to Argentina I visited a town called Chascomus, with a very interesting history and old colonial architecture. I became fascintated with the old buildings, particularly the doors, so I took a lot of photos.
I will paint a series of doors and portals of Chascomus, hoping to capture their unique style and the mystery behind them.
Here is the first one, called Portals of Chascomus #1.
Painted on sandpaper mounted on foam board 30 x 45 cm.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Italian Town

This is my first "big" painting, the largest I have worked on so far.

I have a fondness for medieval towns, they feel so "organic" to me. Spontaneous and unplanned, they grow out of the hillsides at a very human scale, that excludes cars and other modern contraptions. The narrow winding roads, made for people, carts, horses (and the occasional herd of sheep), and the houses that give them shape growing out of the ground at angles that make drawing perspective a nightmare.

I created this painting on PastelMat, using soft pastels. It measures 0.5m x 0.7m.

Girl with Orange Hat - portraiture workshop

In mid February I attended a workshop on Portraiture with Dianna Ponting, and here is the result.
It was a very interesting class, with great people and a super teacher. Lots of learning, at many levels.

I can't take full credit for this painting as Dianna helped quite a bit, her intent being to send you home with something you co-created that can be used as reference material for future works.

A great class, I recommend it to anyone. I wish I was going with Dianna to Europe (specially Greece) for her workshops on plain-aire painting...

It is painted on suede board with soft pastels and measures 0.41 x 0.51m

The Funny Farm keeps growing

Meet Rosie, the newest addition to the funny farm.

It is painted on PastelMat with soft pastels and measures 0.3 x 0.24m