Sunday, March 22, 2015

Isla Iguana I

Another Panama painting, this time Isla Iguana off the coast of Pedasi, on the Pacific side. A coral island with white beaches, birds, hermit crabs and, of course, iguanas. Lovely!
Pastel painting on PastelMat, 24 x 30 cm.

The lookout

During my latest vacation in Panama, I visited the coffee plantation called Finca Lerida, set in the mountains close to the town of Boquete. It has beautiful gardens and a secluded place to take it all in.
Pastel painting on PastelMat 24 x 30 cm

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hawaiian Sunset

This is a commissioned painting - I hope to visit Hawaii some day...
Pastel painting on Pastelmat 18 x 24 cm. Private collection

Calypso 2

Another Caribbean painting- Isla Carenero, Bocas del Toro (Panama)
Pastel painting on Pastelmat 24 x 30 cm